5 Best Income Tax Calculators To Work Out Your Take-Home Salary

Generally, most people in South Africa don’t really know which tax bracket their salaries fall into, they just know they’re paying income tax to SARS every month.

And that’s okay, it’s your HR’s job to do the calculations for correct monthly deductions on your salary.

But today, I’m going to show you the best income tax calculators you must use to verify and do your own calculations.

Often, people can’t understand why their salaries are taxed that high, especially when it’s time for bonuses.

Without wasting your time, let’s dive right in.

What Is Income Tax?

According to SARS, income tax is a tax imposed on individuals or entities that varies with respective income or profits.

Income tax is basically a source of revenue for the South African government. Any working person in the country is obligated to pay monthly tax from their salary.

And there are different types of income tax for individuals and businesses. The monthly tax is calculated based on the amount earned.

The Best Income Tax Calculators

Use any of the following income tax calculators to learn more about your salary in the year 2025.

Most people in South Africa use these calculators to learn how tax is calculated for their bonuses and project-profits.

1. Old Mutual Tax Calculator

A user-friendly salary tax calculator.

Use the tool to work out how much your income will be taxed this month.

Old Mutual Tax Calculator
Old Mutual Income Tax Calculator

2. TaxTim

TaxTim offers a free SARS income tax calculator to work out salary tax (PAYE).

TaxTim Income Tax Calculator
TaxTim Income tax Calculator

3. Today Rates Tax Calculator

Calculate your monthly income tax deductions with our very own FREE calculator.

Very easy to use, simply enter your monthly salary + age and click calculate to see results.

Today Rates Income Tax Calculator
Sanlam Income Tax Calculator

4. Sage Tax Calculator

Sage offers a wide range of premium account solutions for businesses across the country.

They also offer the SARS tax calculator for free – to assist individuals to understand income tax.

Sage Income Tax Calculator
Sage Income Tax Calculator

5. Talent Tax Calculator

Use the Talent income tax calculator to find out how much would be your take-home, after-tax deductions.

Talent Income Tax Calculator
Talent Income Tax Calculator